Home > Agendize Scheduling


Resource representation

{ "id": {string}, "group": {string}, "value": {string} }
Parameter name Value Description
group string The group of settings.
id string The id of the company setting.
value string The value of the company setting.

The list of supported settings:

Setting group Setting id Description Allowed values
Required Properties
notifications Account manager, staff and client notifications.
managerEmailWidgetNew Email notification to account manager when a client books a new appointment. "true", "false"
managerSMSWidgetNew SMS notification to account manager when a client books a new appointment. "true", "false"
managerEmailWidgetCancel Email notification to account manager when a client cancels an appointment. "true", "false"
managerSMSWidgetCancel SMS notification to account manager when a client cancels an appointment. "true", "false"
managerEmailWidgetChange Email notification to account manager when a client reschedules an appointment. "true", "false"
managerSMSWidgetChange SMS notification to account manager when a client reschedules an appointment. "true", "false"
managerEmailDecline Email notification to account manager when an appointment is declined by a staff. "true", "false"
managerSMSDecline SMS notification to account manager when an appointment is declined by a staff. "true", "false"
managerEmailDashboardCancel Email notification to account manager when an appointment s cancelled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
managerSMSDashboardCancel SMS notification to account manager when an appointment is cancelled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
managerEmailDashboardChange Email notification to account manager when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
managerSMSDashboardChange SMS notification to account manager when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
staffEmailWidgetNew Email notification to staff member when a client books a new appointment. "true", "false"
staffSMSWidgetNew SMS notification to staff member when a client books a new appointment. "true", "false"
staffEmailWidgetCancel Email notification to staff member when a client cancels an appointment. "true", "false"
staffSMSWidgetCancel SMS notification to staff member when a client cancels an appointment. "true", "false"
staffEmailWidgetChange Email notification to staff member when a client reschedules an appointment. "true", "false"
staffSMSWidgetChange SMS notification to staff member when a client reschedules an appointment. "true", "false"
staffEmailDashboardCancel Email notification to staff member when an appointment is cancelled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
staffSMSDashboardCancel SMS notification to staff member when an appointment is cancelled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
staffEmailDashboardChange Email notification to staff member when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
staffSMSDashboardChange SMS notification to staff member when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
clientEmailWidgetNew Email notification to client when this client books a new appointment. "true", "false"
clientSMSWidgetNew SMS notification to client when this client books a new appointment. "true", "false"
clientEmailWidgetPendingNew Email notification to client when this client requests an appointment (manual acceptation mode). "true", "false"
clientSMSWidgetPendingNew SMS notification to client when this client requests an appointment (manual acceptation mode). "true", "false"
clientEmailDashboardNew Email notification to client when a new appointment is booked in the backoffice. "true", "false"
clientSMSDashboardNew SMS notification to client when a new appointment is booked in the backoffice. "true", "false"
clientEmailWidgetCancel Email notification to client when this client cancels an appointment. "true", "false"
clientSMSWidgetCancel SMS notification to client when this client cancels an appointment. "true", "false"
clientEmailWidgetChange Email notification to client when this client reschedules an appointment. "true", "false"
clientSMSWidgetChange SMS notification to client when this client reschedules an appointment. "true", "false"
clientEmailDashboardCancel Email notification to client when an appointment is cancelled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
clientSMSDashboardCancel SMS notification to client when an appointment is cancelled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
clientEmailAccept Email notification to client when a new appointment is accepted (manual acceptation mode). "true", "false"
clientSMSAccept SMS notification to client when a new appointment is accepted (manual acceptation mode). "true", "false"
clientEmailDecline Email notification to client when a new appointment is declined (manual acceptation mode). "true", "false"
clientSMSDecline SMS notification to client when a new appointment is declined (manual acceptation mode). "true", "false"
clientEmailNoShow Email notification to client when an appointment is marked as no show. "true", "false"
clientEmailComplete Email notification to client when an appointment is marked as completed. "true", "false"
clientEmailMandatoryPaymentPending Email notification to client when an appointment need to be confirmed with mandatory payment. "true", "false"
clientSMSMandatoryPaymentPending SMS notification to client when an appointment need to be confirmed with mandatory payment. "true", "false"
clientEmailDashboardChange Email notification to client when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
clientSMSDashboardChange SMS notification to client when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. "true", "false"
clientEmailFeedback Enable or disable feedback email sent at the end of the appointment. "true", "false"
items Items used in widget selection mode.
scheduledItems Scheduled items. "service", "service-staff", "staff-service", "resource", "quickStart"
quickStartServiceChoice For quick start mode, allow client to select a service. "true", "false"
resourceNumberChoice Allow customer to specify the number of resources. "true", "false"
resourceIterationChoice Allow customer to book multiple iterations. "true", "false"
contact Manager contact informations.
managerEmailAddress Manager email address for email notifications.
managerMobilePhoneNumber Manager mobile phone number for SMS notifications.
reminders Reminders settings.
firstReminder Delay for first reminder, in minute . "never" (default), "5" "10", "15", "60", "120", "360", "720", "1440", "2280", "4320", "dayMorning", "dayBeforeEvening".
secondReminder Delay for second reminder, in minute . "never" (default), "5" "10", "15", "60", "120", "360", "720", "1440", "2280", "4320", "dayMorning", "dayBeforeEvening".
emailReminders Activate reminder by email. "true", "false".
smsReminders Activate reminder by SMS. "true", "false".
staffReminders Activate staff reminders. "true", "false".
rules Appointment rules.
validation New appointments need to be reviewed and accepted. "auto", "manager", "staff"
authorizedClients Type of user can schedule an appointment online "all", "clients", "none"
maxAppointmentDate Maximal date in the futur user can schedule an appointment online "weeks-1", "weeks-2", "weeks-3", "months-1", "months-2", "months-3", "months-6", "years-1"
minAppointmentDate Minimal date in the futur user can schedule an appointment online "hours-1", "minutes-90", "hours-2", "hours-4", "hours-8", "hours-12", "days-1", "days-2", "weeks-1", "weeks-1", "weeks-2", "weeks-3", "months-1"
useCompanyWorkingHours Use working hours of the company to determinate the futur interval where the user can schedule an appointment online. writable
dailyClientAppointmentMax Maximum number of appointments per client per day 0 (no limit), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
waitingList Activate the waiting list. "true", "false".
widget Widget options.
freeSlotsIntervalTime Free slots interval time "service": service duration (for service mode)
"resource" : resource duration (for resource mode)
"service+buffer": service duration + buffer time (Do not use in resource mode)
"15": 15 minutes
"30": 30 minutes
"45": 45 minutes
"60": 60 minutes
"120": 120 minutes
headerBackgroundColor Background color of the widget header Hexadecimal web color. Default Color: #313131
dateFormat Date format used for display dates and durations Standardized date formats.
displayDuration Display service or resource durations in widget pages. "true", "false"
customCSS Custom CSS to personalize widget design.
customJavascript Custom Javascript to personalize widget design and interactions.


Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request

GET https://api.agendize.com/api/2.0/scheduling/companies/{companyId}/settings


Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
companyId string Company identifier.
Optional query parameters
group string Settings group identifier.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

{ items: [Settings resource] }


Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request

PUT https://api.agendize.com/api/2.0/scheduling/companies/{companyId}/settings


Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
companyId string Company identifier.

Request body

In the request body, supply a list of Setting resource with the following properties:

Parameter name Value Description
Required Properties
group string The group of settings.
id string The id of the company setting.
value string The value of the company setting.

Request body structure:

{ items: [Setting resource] }


If successful, this method returns all company's Setting resources in the response body.