Agendize Resellers API

Reseller API Reference

The Reseller API empowers you to create and manage accounts. Please feel free to contact our Support team to request support for customising such accounts.


Method HTTP Request Description
URIs relative to, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE /resellers/accounts/{accountId} Deletes an entry on the reseller's account list.
get GET /resellers/accounts/{accountId} Returns an entry of the reseller's account list.
list GET /resellers/accounts Returns entries on the reseller's account list.
insert [POST] /resellers/accounts Adds an entry to the resellers's account list.
update UPDATE /resellers/accounts/{accountId} Updates an entry on the reseller's account list.

Scheduling settings

Method HTTP Request Description
URIs relative to, unless otherwise noted
get GET /resellers/settings/scheduling Deletes an entry on the reseller's account list.
update PUT /resellers/settings/scheduling Updates an entry on the reseller's account list.