Home > Agendize Scheduling

Scheduling settings

Resource representation

{ "widget": { "schedulingSMS": {boolean}, "onboarding": {boolean}, "javascript": {string}, "css": {string} }, "staffForm": { "title-mandatory": {boolean}, "firstname-mandatory": {boolean}, "lastname-mandatory": {boolean}, "gender-mandatory": {boolean}, "email-mandatory": {boolean}, "mobilePhone-mandatory": {boolean}, "otherPhone-mandatory": {boolean}, "description-mandatory": {boolean}, "title": {string}, "fields": [ {FormItem object} ] } }
Parameter name Value Description
widget object Reseller scheduling settings
widget.schedulingSMS boolean Activate or disable SMS features: notifications and reminders.
widget.onboarding string Activate or disable onboarding.
widget.javascript string Additional javascript code to include in widget pages.
widget.css string Additional css code to include in widget pages.
staffForm object Reseller scheduling staff fields settings
staffForm.title-mandatory boolean Set the field Title required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.firstname-mandatory boolean Set the field Firstname required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.lastname-mandatory boolean Set the field Lastname required in the staff form (default true).
staffForm.gender-mandatory boolean Set the field Gender required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.email-mandatory boolean Set the field Email required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.mobilePhone-mandatory boolean Set the field Mobile Phone required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.otherPhone-mandatory boolean Set the field Other Phone required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.description-mandatory boolean Set the field Description required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.title string Title of the additional field area. Writable. Max length: 255.

Additional representation : FormItem

{ "id": {string}, "type": {string}, "title": {string}, "bind": {string), "bindGroup": {string}, "externalId": {string} "help": {string}, "placeholder" : {string}, "mandatory": {boolean}, "visible" : {boolean}, "otherValue": {boolean}, "category": {boolean}, "multiple": {boolean}, "fileName": {string}, "value": {string}, "values": [ { "id": {string), "name": {string}, "value": {string} "values": [ { "id": {string}, "name": {string}, "value": {string} } ] } ], "valueFormat": { "maxLength": {number}, "minLength": {number}, "regexType: {string}, "regexValue: {string}, "valueFormat": {string} }, "zonedDateTime": { "dateTime": {string}, "timeZone": {string} }, "subItem": [ {FormItem object} ] }
Parameter name Value Description Notes
FormItem.id string Id of the field. Can not be empty.
FormItem.type string Type of the field. Values:
  • "input": input text
  • "select": dropdown
  • "checkbox": check box
  • "radio": radio button list
  • "textarea": textaera
  • "title": text label
  • "file": file upload
  • "address": client full address
  • "date": date
  • "rating": rating range from 1 to 5
  • "number": number field
  • "pricing": number field with currency
FormItem.title string Title of the field.
FormItem.bind string Binding string form special fields. Values:
  • crm-name
  • crm-address
  • crm-address-firstline
  • crm-address-secondline
  • crm-address-city
  • crm-address-postalcode
  • crm-address-state
  • crm-address-country
  • crm-job-title
  • crm-company
  • crm-notifications
  • crm-language
  • crm-reference
  • crm-reminder
  • crm-birthdate
  • crm-miscellaneous-* : CRM additional fields (from 1 to 10)
Some other values are available but can only be set in the contactFields field :
  • crm-first-name
  • crm-last-name
  • crm-email
  • crm-phone
FormItem.bindGroup string Binding group string form special group of fields. Values:
  • crm
FormItem.externalId string External identifier of this field. When this value is set up, this field would be fulfilled by HTTP query parameters on the appointment> widget.
FormItem.help string Help text of the field.
FormItem.placeholder string Placeholder of the field.
FormItem.mandatory boolean If the field is mandatory.
FormItem.visible boolean If the field is visible by client.
FormItem.otherValue boolean Activate or deactivate the possibility to add a custom value to the field. Available for type radio, checkbox and select.
FormItem.category boolean Activate or deactivate the possibility to group values by category. Available only for type select.
FormItem.multiple boolean Activate or deactivate the possibility to select several values. Available only for type select.
FormItem.fileName string (Optional) When the value is a file, a fileName can be specified. If not specified, the file will be named "file" and get the extension from the media type
FormItem.value string Value of the field. For multi values fields (radio, checkbox and select), use "values" instead. With file type : get and list methods will return the link to the file, for insert and update methods it is the data URI scheme binary content of the file.
FormItem.values list Values list of the field. Available for type radio, checkbox and select.
FormItem.values[].id string Identifier of the field value.
FormItem.values[].name string Name of the field value.
FormItem.values[].value string Value of the field value.
FormItem.values[].values list List of values of the form field value. Available only for type select with option category set to True
FormItem.values[].values[].id string Identifier of the form field value. Available only for type select with option category set to True
FormItem.values[].values[].name string Name of the form field value. Available only for type select with option category set to True
FormItem.values[].values[].value string Value of the form field value. Available only for type select with option category set to True
FormItem.valueFormat object Input rules.
FormItem.valueFormat.maxLength number Value maximum length.
FormItem.valueFormat.minLength number Value minimum length.
FormItem.valueFormat.regexType string Type of regex.
FormItem.valueFormat.regexValue string Value of regex.
FormItem.valueFormat.valueFormat string Type or format
  • alphanumeric
  • numeric
  • regex
  • none
FormItem.zonedDateTime object If the field is a date type, the value is formatted and returned with his timezone Read only
FormItem.zonedDateTime.dateTime object The value of the field formatted. For example '2011-12-03T10:15:30' Read only
FormItem.zonedDateTime.timeZone object The date timezone. For example 'Europe/Paris' Read only
FormItem.subItem list List of sub FormItem, available for crm-address field and crm-name field.


Returns an entry of the company's resource list.

Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request

GET https://api.agendize.com/api/2.0/resellers/settings/scheduling

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a Settings resource in the response body.


Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request

PUT https://api.agendize.com/api/2.0/resellers/settings/scheduling

Request body

In the request body, supply a list of Setting resource with the following properties:

Parameter name Value Description
widget.schedulingSMS boolean Activate or disable SMS features: notifications and reminders.
widget.onboarding string Activate or disable onboarding.
widget.javascript string Additional javascript code to include in widget pages.
widget.css string Additional css code to include in widget pages.
staffForm object Reseller scheduling staff fields settings
staffForm.title-mandatory boolean Set the field Title required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.firstname-mandatory boolean Set the field Firstname required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.lastname-mandatory boolean Set the field Lastname required in the staff form (default true).
staffForm.gender-mandatory boolean Set the field Gender required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.email-mandatory boolean Set the field Email required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.mobilePhone-mandatory boolean Set the field Mobile Phone required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.otherPhone-mandatory boolean Set the field Other Phone required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.description-mandatory boolean Set the field Description required in the staff form (default false).
staffForm.title string Title of the additional field area.
staffForm.fields list List of scheduling staff fields.
staffForm.fields[].id string Identifier of scheduling staff field.
staffForm.fields[].type string Type of scheduling staff field (input, textarea, radio, checkbox, select).
staffForm.fields[].title string Title of scheduling staff field
staffForm.fields[].mandatory boolean Set the scheduling staff field mandatory.
staffForm.fields[].otherValue boolean Activate or deactivate the possibility to add a custom value to the field. Available for type radio, checkbox and select.
staffForm.fields[].category boolean Activate or deactivate the possibility to group values by category. Available only for type select.
staffForm.fields[].multiple boolean Activate or deactivate the possibility to select several values. Available only for type select.
staffForm.fields[].values list List of values. Available for type radio, checkbox and select.
staffForm.fields[].values[].id string Identifier of the staff field value.
staffForm.fields[].values[].name string Name of the staff field value.
staffForm.fields[].values[].value string Value of the staff field value.
staffForm.fields[].values[].values list List of values of the staff field value. Available only for type select with option category set to True
staffForm.fields[].values[].values[].id string Identifier of the staff field value. Available only for type select with option category set to True
staffForm.fields[].values[].values[].name string Name of the staff field value. Available only for type select with option category set to True
staffForm.fields[].values[].values[].value string Value of the staff field value. Available only for type select with option category set to True


If successful, this method returns a Settings resources in the response body.