Agendize queues API

Queues API Reference

The Queues API empowers you to manage your in-store queues.


Method HTTP Request Description
URIs relative to, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE /queues/{queueId} Deletes an entry on the queue list.
get GET /queues/{queueId} Returns an entry of the queue list.
list GET /queues Returns entries on the queue list.
insert POST /queues Adds an entry to the queue list.
update PUT /queues/{queueId} Updates an entry on the queue list.


Method HTTP Request Description
URIs relative to, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE /registrations/{registrationId} Deletes an entry on the queue's registration list.
get GET /registrations/{registrationId} Returns an entry of the queue's registration list.
list GET /registrations Returns entries on the queue's registration list.
insert POST /registrations Adds an entry to the queue's regsitration list.
update PUT /registrations/{registrationId} Updates an entry on the queue's registration list.
next PUT /registrations/next Get the next entry on the queue's registration list. Sets the status registation to "ingoing".