Home > Agendize Scheduling

Available time slots

Resource representation

{ items: [ { "day": {string}, "slots": [ {string} ], "timeZone": {string} } ], service: { "id": {string}, "name": {string}, "selfLink": {string} }, "staff": { "id": {string}, "firstName: {string}, "lastName": {string}, "selfLink": {string} } }
Parameter name Value Description
items list List of days.
items[].day string Day date.
items[].slots list Free slots.
items[].timeZone string Free slots time zone. Possible values can be found here. The default value is the time zone of the company.
service object Service details. Only if the company is in a service mode.
service.name string Name of the service.
service.selfLink string URL link to the service resource description.
staff object Staff details. Only if a staffId has been specified in the API request.
staff.firstName string First name of the company's staff member.
staff.lastName string Last name of the company's staff member.
service.selfLink string URL link to the staff resource description.

Free slots

Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request

GET https://api.agendize.com/api/2.1/scheduling/companies/{companyId}/widget/freeSlots


Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
companyId string Company identifier.
Required query parameters
startDate date format: yyyy-MM-dd
endDate date format: yyyy-MM-dd
serviceId string Service identifier. You can also use [shortest] or [longest] to request availabilities for the shortest or longest service
resourceId string Resource identifier.
Optional query parameters
staffId string Staff member identifier.
resourceCount string Number of resources to book.
timeZone string Time zone used for free slot times. The default value is the time zone of the company.
iterationCount string Only for resource mode. Number of iterations.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a Slots resource in the response body.

Next slots

Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request

GET https://api.agendize.com/api/2.1/scheduling/companies/{companyId}/widget/nextSlots


Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
companyId string Company identifier.
Required query parameters
number date Number of next hours wanted. Default value: 1. Maximum value: 100
serviceId string Service identifier. You can also use [shortest] or [longest] to request availabilities for the shortest or longest service
resourceId string Resource identifier.
Optional query parameters
startDate date format: yyyy-MM-dd
staffId string Staff member identifier.
resourceCount string Number of resources to book.
timeZone string Time zone used for free slot times. The default value is the time zone of the company.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a Slots resource in the response body.