Home > Agendize Scheduling

External Appointments

Resource representation

{ "id": {string}, "reference": {string}, "company": { "id": {string}, "name": {string} }, "staff": { "id": {string}, "firstName": {string}, "lastName": {string} }, "start": { "dateTime": {datetime}, "timeZone": {string} }, "end": { "dateTime": {datetime}, "timeZone": {string} }, "created": { "dateTime": {datetime}, "timeZone": {string} }, "source": { "name": {string} } }
Parameter name Value Description Notes
id string Identifier of the appointment.
reference string Rerefence code of the appointment.
company object company details.
company.id string Identifier of the company.
company.name string Name of the company.
service object Service details. Only if the appointment is for a service.
staff object Staff details.
staff.id string Identifier of the company's staff member.
staff.firstName string First name of the company's staff member.
staff.lastName string Last name of the company's staff member.
start object The start time of the event.
start.dateTime string The time, as a combined date-time value (formatted according to RFC 3339, without time zone information).
start.timeZone string The time zone. Possible values can be found here. The default value is the time zone of the company.
end object The end time of the event.
end.dateTime string The time, as a combined date-time value (formatted according to RFC 3339, without time zone information).
end.timeZone string The time zone. Possible values can be found here. The default value is the time zone of the company.
created object Creation time of the event. Read-only.
notes string Notes of the appointment.
source object Calendar service provider.
source.name string Name of the calendar service provider.


Returns an entry of the company's appointment list.

Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request

GET https://api.agendize.com/api/2.1/scheduling/companies/{companyId}/externalAppointments/{appointmentId}


Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
companyId string Company identifier.
appointmentId string External appointment identifier or appointment reference.
Required query parameters
staffId string Identifier of the staff.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns an External Appointment Resource in the response body.


Returns entries on the company's appointment list.

Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request

GET https://api.agendize.com/api/2.1/scheduling/companies/{companyId}/externalAppointments


Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
companyId string Company identifier.
Optional query parameters
staffId string Staff member identifier.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a list of External Appointment Resource in the response body.