Agendize Resellers API

Reporting Full

Resource representation

{ "owner": { "id": {string}, "userName": {string} }, "api": { "requests": {integer} }, "login": { "count": {integer} }, "smsSent": {integer}, "clickToCall": { "duration": {integer} "buttons": {integer} }, "callTracking": { "duration": {integer}, "numbers": {integer} }, "scheduling": { "newAppointments": {integer}, "finishedAppointments": {integer}, "emailNotificationsSent": {integer}, "textMessageNotificationsSent": {integer} }, "crm": { "marketingEmailSent": {integer}, "marketingTextMessageSent": {integer}, "newClients": {integer} }, "formFilled": {integer} }
Parameter name Value Description Notes
owner string Owner account of the reporting. string Identifier of the owner account.
owner.userName string user name of the owner account.
api object API reporting.
api.requests integer Number of requests.
login object Login reporting.
api.count integer Number of user logins.
smsSent integer Number of SMS sent.
clickToCall object Click to call reporting.
clickToCall.duration integer Number of minutes of calls.
clickToCall.buttons integer Number of click to call buttons of the account.
callTracking object Call tracking reporting.
callTracking.duration integer Number of minutes of calls.
callTracking.numbers integer Number of click to call number of the account.
scheduling object Online scheduling reporting.
scheduling.newAppointments integer Number of new appointments booked.
scheduling.finishedAppointments integer Number of finished appointments.
scheduling.emailNotificationsSent integer Number email notifications sent.
scheduling.textMessageNotificationsSent integer Number of text message notifications sent.
crm object CRM reporting.
crm.marketingEmailSent integer Number marketing emails sent.
crm.textMessageNotificationsSent integer Number of marketing text message (SMS) sent.
crm.newClients integer New clients added in CRM.
formFilled integer Number of forms filled.


Returns reporting data of resellers's account childs.

Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request



Parameter name Value Description
Optional query parameters
startDate datetime Upper bound (exclusive) for an appointment's start time (as a RFC 3339 timestamp) in GMT to filter by. Optional. The default value is now -1 month.
endDate datetime Lower bound (exclusive) for an appointment's end time (as a RFC 3339 timestamp) in GMT to filter by. Optional. The default value is now +1 month.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a Reporting resource in the response body.