Agendize Client API


On november 15th, 2022 we released the version 2.3 of the Client Activities API. the previous version's documentation is still available here.

Resource representation

{ "date": { "dateTime": {string}, "timeZone": {string} }, "type": {string}, "user": { "id": {string}, "userName": {string}, "emailAddress": {string}, "firstName": {string}, "lastName": {string} }, "event": {string}, "note": { "id": {string} "body": {string}, "previousBody": {string}, "selfLink": {string}, }, "appointment": { "id": {string}, "start": { "dateTime": {string}, "timeZone": {string} }, "previousStart": { "dateTime": {string}, "timeZone": {string} } "end": { "dateTime": {string}, "timeZone": {string} }, "previousStaff": { "dateTime": {string}, "timeZone": {string} }, "staff": { "id": {string}, "firstname: {string}, "lastName": {string} }, "previousStaff": { "id": {string}, "firstname: {string}, "lastName": {string} }, "service": { "id": {string}, "name: {string} }, "previousService": { "id": {string}, "name: {string} }, "notes": {string}, "previousNotes": {string}, "status": {string), "previousStatus": {string), "selfLink": {string} }, "formResult": { "id": {string}, "form": { "id": {string} "name": {string}, }, "selfLink": {string} }, "marketingConsent": { "text": {string} }, "emailNotification": { "subject": {string}, "body": {string}, "selfLink": {string} }, "textMessageNotification": { "body": {string}, "selfLink": {string} }, "updatedAttributes": [ {string} ], "conferenceRegistration": { "selfLink": {string}, "id": {string}, "numberOfSeats": {integer}, "conference": { "id": {string}, "title": {string}, "capacity": {integer}, }, "session": { "id": {string}, "start": { "dateTime": {string), "timeZone": {string} }, "end": { "dateTime": {string}, "timeZone": {string} } }, "source": {string}, "sourceType": {string} "status": {string}, "cancelReason": {string} } }
Parameter name Value Description
id string Identifier of the activity.
type string Type of the activity. Values: 'appointment', 'note', 'consent', 'formResult', 'emailNotification', 'textMessageNotification', 'conferenceRegistration'.
date object The date time of the activity.
date.dateTime string The time, as a combined date-time value (formatted according to RFC 3339, without time zone information).
date.timeZone string The time zone. Possible values can be found here. The default value is the time zone of the company.
event string Type of the event on the activity. Values: 'created', 'updated', 'deleted'
user object The user who have done the activity.
user.userName string Unique identifier of the user.
user.emailAddress string Email address of the user.
user.firstName string First name of the user.
user.lastName string Last name of the user.
note object Note activity details. Only for "note" and "consent" activity type. string Unique identifier of the note.
note.body string Body content of the note.
note.selfLink string URL link to the note resource description.
note.previousBody string Previous Body content of the note. Only for the "updated" activity event.
appointment object Appointment activity details. Only for "appointment"activity type. string Unique identifier of the appointment.
appointment.start object Start date time of the appointment.
appointment.start.dateTime string The time, as a combined date-time value (formatted according to RFC 3339, without time zone information).
appointment.start.timeZone string The time zone. Possible values can be found here. The default value is the time zone of the company.
appointment.previousStart object Previous start date time of the appointment. Only for the "updated" activity event and only if the service has changed.
appointment.previousStart.dateTime string The time, as a combined date-time value (formatted according to RFC 3339, without time zone information).
appointment.previousStart.timeZone string The time zone. Possible values can be found here. The default value is the time zone of the company.
appointment.end object End date time of the appointment.
appointment.end.dateTime string The time, as a combined date-time value (formatted according to RFC 3339, without time zone information).
appointment.end.timeZone string The time zone. Possible values can be found here. The default value is the time zone of the company.
appointment.previousEnd object Previous end date time of the appointment. Only for the "updated" activity event and only if the service has changed.
appointment.previousEnd.dateTime string The time, as a combined date-time value (formatted according to RFC 3339, without time zone information).
appointment.previousEnd.timeZone string The time zone. Possible values can be found here. The default value is the time zone of the company.
appointment.service object Service of the appointment. string Identifier of the service. string Name of the service.
appointment.previousService object Previous Service of the appointment. Only for the "updated" activity event and only if the service has changed. string Identifier of the previous service. string Name of the previous service.
appointment.staff object Staff member of the appointment. string Identifier of the staff member.
appointment.staff.firstName string First name of the staff member.
appointment.staff.lastName string Last name of the staff member.
appointment.previousStaff object Previous staff member of the appointment. Only for the "updated" activity event and only if the staff has changed. string Identifier of the previous staff member.
appointment.previousStaff.firstName string First name of the previous staff member.
appointment.previousStaff.lastName string Last name of the previous staff member.
appointment.notes string Notes of the appointment.
appointment.previousNotes string Previous notes of the appointment.
appointment.selfLink string URL link to the note resource description.
appointment.status string Status of the appointment. Values: "completed", "noShow", "accepted", "pending", "declined", "cancelled", "inProgress".
appointment.previousStatus string Previous Status of the appointment. Values: "completed", "noShow", "accepted", "pending", "declined", "cancelled", "inProgress". Only for the "updated" activity event and only if the status has changed.
formResult object Form result activity details. Only for "formResult" activity type. string Unique identifier of the form result.
formResult.form object Form details. string Unique identifier of the form. string Name of the form.
formResult.selfLink string URL link to the form result resource description.
marketingConsent object If a marketing consent has been checked.
marketingConsent.text string Accepted text of the marketing consent.
emailNotification object Email notification activity details. Only for "emailNotification" activity type.
emailNotification.body string Body of the email.
emailNotification.subject string Subject of the email.
emailNotification.selfLink string URL link to the form result resource description.
textMessageNotification object Text messagve (SMS) notification activity details. Only for "textMessageNotification" activity type.
textMessageNotification.body string Body of the email.
textMessageNotification.selfLink string URL link to the form result resource description.
updatedAttributes list list of updated attributes. Only for the "updated" activity event.
conferenceRegistration object Conference session registration activity details. Only for "conferenceRegistration" activity type.
conferenceRegistration.selfLink object URL link to the conference registration resource description. string Unique identifier of the conference registration.
conferenceRegistration.numberOfSeats integer Number of seats reserved.
conferenceRegistration.conference object Details of the conference. object Unique identifier of the conference.
conferenceRegistration.conference.title string Title of the conference.
conferenceRegistration.conference.capacity string Capacity ot the conference.
conferenceRegistration.session object Details of the conference session. string Unique identifier of the session.
conferenceRegistration.session.start object Start date time of the session.
aconferenceRegistration.session.start.dateTime string The time, as a combined date-time value (formatted according to RFC 3339, without time zone information).
conferenceRegistration.session.start.timeZone string The time zone. Possible values can be found here. The default value is the time zone of the company.
conferenceRegistration.session.end object End date time of the session.
conferenceRegistration.session.end.dateTime string The time, as a combined date-time value (formatted according to RFC 3339, without time zone information).
conferenceRegistration.session.end.timeZone string The time zone. Possible values can be found here. The default value is the time zone of the company.
conferenceRegistration.source object Source of the conference registration.
conferenceRegistration.sourceType object Source type of the conference registration. Value: "api", "widget".
conferenceRegistration.status object Status of the conference registration. Values: "accepted", "cancelled".
conferenceRegistration.cancelReason object Cancel reason of the conference registration cancelled.


Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request



Parameter name Value Description
Required query parameters
clientId string Search activities for a client identifier.
Optional query parameters
type string Comma separated values of activity type.
sort string Sort by descending or ascending activity date. Values: "desc", "asc". Default: "asc".
appointmentId string Appointment identifier. To get client actitivies for a specific appointment.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

{ items: [Activity Resource] }