Home > Agendize Scheduling


Resource representation

{ "notifications": { "managerEmailWidgetNew": {boolean}, "managerSMSWidgetNew": {boolean}, "managerEmailWidgetCancel": {boolean}, "managerSMSWidgetCancel": {boolean}, "managerEmailWidgetChange": {boolean}, "managerSMSWidgetChange": {boolean}, "managerEmailDecline": {boolean}, "managerSMSDecline": {boolean}, "managerEmailDashboardCancel": {boolean}, "managerSMSDashboardCancel": {boolean}, "managerEmailDashboardChange": {boolean}, "managerSMSDashboardChange": {boolean}, "staffEmailWidgetNew": {boolean}, "staffSMSWidgetNew": {boolean}, "staffEmailWidgetCancel": {boolean}, "staffSMSWidgetCancel": {boolean}, "staffEmailWidgetChange": {boolean}, "staffSMSWidgetChange": {boolean}, "staffEmailDashboardCancel": {boolean}, "staffSMSDashboardCancel": {boolean}, "staffEmailDashboardChange": {boolean}, "staffSMSDashboardChange": {boolean}, "clientEmailWidgetNew": {boolean}, "clientSMSWidgetNew": {boolean}, "clientEmailWidgetPendingNew": {boolean}, "clientSMSWidgetPendingNew": {boolean}, "clientEmailDashboardNew": {boolean}, "clientSMSDashboardNew": {boolean}, "clientEmailWidgetCancel": {boolean}, "clientSMSWidgetCancel": {boolean}, "clientEmailWidgetChange": {boolean}, "clientSMSWidgetChange": {boolean}, "clientEmailDashboardCancel": {boolean}, "clientSMSDashboardCancel": {boolean}, "clientEmailAccept": {boolean}, "clientSMSAccept": {boolean}, "clientEmailDecline": {boolean}, "clientSMSDecline": {boolean}, "clientEmailNoShow": {boolean}, "clientEmailComplete": {boolean}, "clientEmailMandatoryPaymentPending": {boolean}, "clientSMSMandatoryPaymentPending": {boolean}, "clientEmailDashboardChange": {boolean}, "clientSMSDashboardChange": {boolean}, "clientEmailFeedback": {boolean}, "clientSMSFeedback": {boolean}, "clientEmailReplyTo": {string}, "clientEmailWaitingList": {boolean}, "clientSMSWaitingList": {boolean}, "managerDailySummary": { "time": {string}, "enabled": {boolean}, "appointmentPeriod": {string} }, "staffDailySummary": { "time": {string}, "enabled": {boolean}, "appointmentPeriod": {string} }, "clientSMSTimeBefore": {string} }, "items": { "scheduledItems": {string}, "resourceNumberChoice": {boolean}, "resourceIterationChoice": {boolean}, "serviceAlgorithm" : {string}, "servicePastOccupancyTimePeriod": {string}, "staffServiceAllowRandomStaff": {boolean} }, "contact": { "managerEmailAddress": {string}, "managerMobilePhoneNumber": {string) }, "reminders": { "first": { "delay": {string}, "email": {boolean}, "sms": {boolean} }, "second": { "delay": {string}, "email": {boolean}, "sms": {boolean} }, "staffReminders": {boolean} }, "rules": { "validation": {string}, "authorizedClients": {string}, "maxAppointmentDate": {string}, "minAppointmentDate": {string}, "useCompanyWorkingHours": {boolean}, "dailyClientAppointmentMax": {integer}, "waitingList": {boolean}, "weeklyClientAppointmentMax": {integer} }, "widget": { "freeSlotsIntervalTime": {string}, "headerBackgroundColor": {string}, "dateFormat": {string}, "displayDuration": {boolean}, "customCSS": {string}, "customJavascript": {string}, "servicesOrder": {string}, "displayLocationSelector": {boolean}, "appointmentForSomeoneElse": {boolean}, "displayConfirmPrintPage": {boolean}, "displayTimeZoneSelector": {boolean}, "displayPrices": {boolean}, "displayServicePicture": {boolean}, "staffMemberNameFormat": {string}, "thankYouMessage": {string}, "confirmPrintPage": {string}, "serviceGroupsOrder": {string}, "staffMembersOrder": {string}, "displayDescription": {boolean}, "clientPropertyMatching": {string}, "displayReCaptcha": {boolean} }, "dashboard": { "intervalTime": {integer}, "newAppointmentMode": {string}, "calendarViewItemsColor": {string}, "calendarViewPersonalAppointments": {boolean}, "calendarViewExternalAppointments": {boolean}, "calendarViewExternalAppointmentsForAllStaffMembers": {boolean}, "displayThankYouPage": {boolean} }, "titles": { "serviceSelection": {string}, "serviceSelectionSubTitle": {string}, "staffSelection": {string}, "staffSelectionSubTitle": {string}, "resourceSelection": {string}, "resourceSelectionSubTitle": {string}, "resourceOptions": {string}, "resourceIteration": {string}, "resourceIterationSubTitle": {string}, "resourceCount": {string}, "dateSelection": {string}, "dateSelectionSubTitle": {string}, "topMessage": {string}, "formTitle": {string}, "formSubTitle": {string}, "resourceGroupSelection": {string}, "resourceGroupSelectionSubTitle": {string}, "appointmentForSomeoneElseTitle": {string} }, "calendarSync": { "googleCalendar": { "enabled": {boolean} }, "liveCalendar": { "office365CalendarEnabled": {boolean}, "outlookCalendarEnabled": {boolean} }, "bidirectionalSync": { "enabled": {boolean} } }, "crmSync": { "clientListEnabled": {boolean}, "salesforce": { "syncPendingAppointments": {boolean}, "syncDeclinedAppointments": {boolean}, "linkStaffToUser": {boolean}, "useUserAppointments": {boolean}, "bidirectionalSync": {boolean}, "refreshToken": {string}, "enabled": {boolean}, "clientObject": {string} } }, "widgetAuthentication": { "authMandatory": {boolean}, "franceConnect": { "enabled": {boolean}, "clientId": {string}, "clientSecret": {string} }, "facebook": { "enabled": {boolean} }, "google": { "enabled": (boolean} }, "myAgendize": { "enabled": {boolean} } }, "termsConditions": { "mode": {string}, "url": {string}, "text": {string} }, "onlinePayment": { "mode": {string}, "currency": {string}, "delayBeforeCancellation": {integer}, "paypal": { "emailAddress": {string} }, "ingenico": { "pspid": {string}, "algorithm": {string}, "shaInKey": {string}, }, "globalPayments": { "merchantId": {string}, "sharedSecret": {string} }, "monetary": { "publicKey": {string}, "privateKey": {string} } }, "widgetErrorMessages": { "notExistsClientMessage": {string}, "appointmentDateNotAvailableMessage": {string}, "schedulingDisabledMessage": {string}, "maxDailyAppointmentsPerClient": {string}, "maxWeeklyAppointmentsPerClient": {string}, "maxOneService": {string} } }
Parameter name Value Description
notifications object Account manager, staff and client notifications. writable
notifications.managerEmailWidgetNew boolean Email notification to account manager when a client books a new appointment. writable
notifications.managerEmailWidgetNew boolean Email notification to account manager when a client books a new appointment. writable
notifications.managerSMSWidgetNew boolean SMS notification to account manager when a client books a new appointment. writable
notifications.managerEmailWidgetCancel boolean Email notification to account manager when a client cancels an appointment. writable
notifications.managerSMSWidgetCancel boolean SMS notification to account manager when a client cancels an appointment. writable
notifications.managerEmailWidgetChange boolean Email notification to account manager when a client reschedules an appointment. writable
notifications.managerSMSWidgetChange boolean SMS notification to account manager when a client reschedules an appointment. writable
notifications.managerEmailDecline boolean Email notification to account manager when an appointment is declined by a staff. writable
notifications.managerSMSDecline boolean SMS notification to account manager when an appointment is declined by a staff. writable
notifications.managerEmailDashboardCancel boolean Email notification to account manager when an appointment s cancelled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.managerSMSDashboardCancel boolean SMS notification to account manager when an appointment is cancelled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.managerEmailDashboardChange boolean Email notification to account manager when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.managerSMSDashboardChange boolean SMS notification to account manager when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.staffEmailWidgetNew boolean Email notification to staff member when a client books a new appointment. writable
notifications.staffSMSWidgetNew boolean SMS notification to staff member when a client books a new appointment. writable
notifications.staffEmailWidgetCancel boolean Email notification to staff member when a client cancels an appointment. writable
notifications.staffSMSWidgetCancel boolean SMS notification to staff member when a client cancels an appointment. writable
notifications.staffEmailWidgetChange boolean Email notification to staff member when a client reschedules an appointment. writable
notifications.staffSMSWidgetChange boolean SMS notification to staff member when a client reschedules an appointment. writable
notifications.staffEmailDashboardCancel boolean Email notification to staff member when an appointment is cancelled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.staffSMSDashboardCancel boolean SMS notification to staff member when an appointment is cancelled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.staffEmailDashboardChange boolean Email notification to staff member when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.staffSMSDashboardChange boolean SMS notification to staff member when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.clientEmailWidgetNew boolean Email notification to client when this client books a new appointment. writable
notifications.clientSMSWidgetNew boolean SMS notification to client when this client books a new appointment. writable
notifications.clientEmailWidgetPendingNew boolean Email notification to client when this client requests an appointment (manual acceptation mode). writable
notifications.clientSMSWidgetPendingNew boolean SMS notification to client when this client requests an appointment (manual acceptation mode). writable
notifications.clientEmailDashboardNew boolean Email notification to client when a new appointment is booked in the backoffice. writable
notifications.clientSMSDashboardNew boolean SMS notification to client when a new appointment is booked in the backoffice. writable
notifications.clientEmailWidgetCancel boolean Email notification to client when this client cancels an appointment. writable
notifications.clientSMSWidgetCancel boolean SMS notification to client when this client cancels an appointment. writable
notifications.clientEmailWidgetChange boolean Email notification to client when this client reschedules an appointment. writable
notifications.clientSMSWidgetChange boolean SMS notification to client when this client reschedules an appointment. writable
notifications.clientEmailDashboardCancel boolean Email notification to client when an appointment is cancelled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.clientSMSDashboardCancel boolean SMS notification to client when an appointment is cancelled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.clientEmailAccept boolean Email notification to client when a new appointment is accepted (manual acceptation mode). writable
notifications.clientSMSAccept boolean SMS notification to client when a new appointment is accepted (manual acceptation mode). writable
notifications.clientEmailDecline boolean Email notification to client when a new appointment is declined (manual acceptation mode). writable
notifications.clientSMSDecline boolean SMS notification to client when a new appointment is declined (manual acceptation mode). writable
notifications.clientEmailNoShow boolean Email notification to client when an appointment is marked as no show. writable
notifications.clientEmailComplete boolean Email notification to client when an appointment is marked as completed. writable
notifications.clientEmailMandatoryPaymentPending boolean Email notification to client when an appointment need to be confirmed with mandatory payment. writable
notifications.clientSMSMandatoryPaymentPending boolean SMS notification to client when an appointment need to be confirmed with mandatory payment. writable
notifications.clientEmailDashboardChange boolean Email notification to client when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.clientSMSDashboardChange boolean SMS notification to client when an appointment is rescheduled in the dashboard. writable
notifications.clientEmailFeedback boolean Enable or disable feedback email sent at the end of the appointment. writable
notifications.clientSMSWaitingList boolean SMS notification when an earlier and similar appointment has become available. writable
notifications.managerDailySummary.appointmentPeriod string Concerned appointments. Values: "today" for appointments of the current day, "tomorrow" for appointment for the day after the current day writable
notifications.clientSMSFeedback boolean Enable or disable feedback SMS sent at the end of the appointment. writable
notifications.managerDailySummary object Daily appointment list for manager. writable
notifications.managerDailySummary.time string Time hour. Only full hour. writable
notifications.managerDailySummary.enabled string Enable or disable. writable
notifications.clientEmailWaitingList boolean Email notification when an earlier and similar appointment has become available. writable
notifications.staffDailySummary object Daily appointment list for manager. writable
notifications.staffDailySummary.time string Time hour. Only full hour. writable
notifications.staffDailySummary.enabled string Enable or disable. writable
notifications.staffDailySummary.appointmentPeriod string Concerned appointments. Values: "today" for appointments of the current day, "tomorrow" for appointment for the day after the current day writable
notifications.clientEmailReplyTo string Values:
  • "noReply" for no reply email address
  • "staff" for staff member email address
notifications.clientSMSTimeBefore string Text message time rule for client. Values:
  • "unlimited": Send text message notifications for all appointments
  • "days-1": Send text message notifications if the appointment is in less than one day
  • "days-2": Send text message notifications if the appointment is in less than two days
items object Items used in widget selection mode writable
items.scheduledItems string Scheduled items. "service", "service-staff", "staff-service", "resource". writable.
items.resourceNumberChoice boolean Allow customer to specify the number of resources. writable
items.resourceIterationChoice boolean Allow customer to book multiple iterations. writable
items.serviceAlgorithm string If scheduledItems = service, algorithm to use to calculate the staff member. "smart", "pastOccupancy". writable
items.servicePastOccupancyTimePeriod string If serviceAlgorithm = pastOccupancy, reference time period for automatic staff allocation. "allTime", "weeks-1", "weeks-2", "weeks-3", "months-10", "months-2", "months-3", "months-6", "years-1". writable
items.staffServiceAllowRandomStaff boolean If scheduledItems = service-staff, allow to select a random staff according to global availability. "writable
contact object Manager contact informations. writable
contact.managerEmailAddress string Manager email address for email notifications. writable
contact.managerMobilePhoneNumber string Manager mobile phone number for SMS notifications. writable
reminders object Reminders settings. writable
reminders.first object First reminder settings. writable
reminders.first.delay string Delay for first reminder, in minute . "never" (default), "5" "10", "15", "60", "120", "360", "720", "1440", "2280", "4320", "dayMorning", "dayBeforeEvening". writable.
reminders.first.email boolean Activate reminder by email. writable
reminders.first.sms boolean Activate reminder by SMS. writable
reminders.second object Second reminder settings. writable
reminders.second.delay string Delay for first reminder, in minute . "never" (default), "5" "10", "15", "60", "120", "360", "720", "1440", "2280", "4320", "dayMorning", "dayBeforeEvening". writable.
reminders.second.email boolean Activate reminder by email. writable
reminders.second.sms boolean Activate reminder by SMS. writable
reminders.staffReminders boolean Activate staff reminders. writable
rules object Appointment rules. writable
rules.validation string New appointments need to be reviewed and accepted. "auto", "manager", "staff". writable
rules.authorizedClients string Type of user can schedule an appointment online "all", "clients", "none". writable
rules.maxAppointmentDate string Maximal date in the futur user can schedule an appointment online "weeks-1", "weeks-2", "weeks-3", "months-1", "months-2", "months-3", "months-6", "years-1". writable
rules.minAppointmentDate string Minimal date in the futur user can schedule an appointment online "hours-1", "minutes-90", "hours-2", "hours-4", "hours-8", "hours-12", "days-1", "days-2", "weeks-1", "weeks-1", "weeks-2", "weeks-3", "months-1". writable
rules.useCompanyWorkingHours boolean Use working hours of the company to determinate the futur interval where the user can schedule an appointment online writable
rules.dailyClientAppointmentMax integer Maximum number of appointments per client per day 0 (no limit), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. writable
rules.waitingList boolean Activate the waiting list. writable
rules.weeklyClientAppointmentMax integer Maximum number of appointments per client per week 0 (no limit), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. writable
widget object Widget options.. writable
widget.freeSlotsIntervalTime string Free slots interval time "service": service duration (for service mode)
"resource" : resource duration (for resource mode)
"service+buffer": service duration + buffer time (Do not use in resource mode)
"15": 15 minutes
"30": 30 minutes
"45": 45 minutes
"60": 60 minutes
"120": 120 minutes
widget.headerBackgroundColor string Background color of the widget header Hexadecimal web color. Default Color: #313131. writable.
widget.dateFormat string Date format used for display dates and durations Standardized date formats. writable.
widget.displayDuration boolean Display service or resource durations in widget pages. writable
widget.customCSS string Custom CSS to personalize widget design. Not available with Widget V3 writable. Max length 16MB.
widget.customJavascript string Custom Javascript to personalize widget design and interactions. Not available with Widget V3 writable. Max length 16MB.
widget.servicesOrder string Services order "name[a-z]": Alphabetical (A-Z)
"name[z-a]" : Alphabetical (Z-A)
"duration[0-100]": Duration (shorter to longer)
"duration[100-0]": Duration (longer to shorter)
"price[0-100]": Price (less expensive to more expensive)
"price[100-0]": Price (more expensive to less expensive)
comma separated list of service identifier: custom order
widget.displayLocationSelector boolean Allow client to choose the location. Not available with Widget V3 writable
widget.appointmentForSomeoneElse boolean Allow client to make an appointment for someone else. writable
widget.displayConfirmPrintPage boolean Allow client to print a confirmation page. writable
widget.displayTimeZoneSelector boolean Allow customers to select their time zone. writable
widget.displayPrices boolean Display prices. writable
widget.displayServicePicture boolean Display service photos. writable
widget.staffMemberNameFormat string Staff name to display. "{staff name}": first name
"{staff lastname"} : last name
"{staff name} {staff lastname}": first name last name
"{staff lastname} {staff name}": last name last name
"{staff title} {staff lastname} {staff name}": title last name last name
"{staff title} {staff name} {staff lastname}": title first name last name
widget.thankYouMessage string Content of the thank you message. writable. Max length 16MB.
widget.confirmPrintPage string Content of the appointment confirmation print page. writable. Max length 16MB.
widget.serviceGroupsOrder string Service groups order "name[a-z]": Alphabetical (A-Z)
"name[z-a]" : Alphabetical (Z-A)
comma separated list of service identifier: custom order
widget.staffMembersOrder string Staff members order "name[a-z]": Alphabetical (A-Z)
"name[z-a]" : Alphabetical (Z-A)
comma separated list of staff member identifier: custom order
widget.displayDescription boolean Display service or resource descriptions. writable
widget.clientPropertyMatching string Matching property for an existing customer. phoneNumber, emailAddress, clientReference. writable
widget.displayReCaptcha boolean Display a recaptcha before confirmation in the widget. writable
dashboard object Dashboard settings. writable
dashboard.validation integer Interval minutes in free mode. writable
dashboard.authorizedClients integer New appointment mode in dashboard "auto", "manager", "staff". writable
dashboard.newAppointmentMode string Type of user can schedule an appointment online "free", "widget". writable
dashboard.calendarViewItemsColor string Color of the item to use in the calendar view. "staff", "service". writable
dashboard.calendarViewPersonalAppointments boolean Display personals appointments in the calendar view writable
dashboard.calendarViewExternalAppointments boolean Display externals appointments (Google Calendar, Windows Live Calendar, etc.) in the calendar view. writable
dashboard.calendarViewExternalAppointmentsForAllStaffMembers boolean Display externals appointments for all staff members writable
dashboard.displayThankYouPage boolean Show thank you message for dashboard bookings writable
titles object Widget titles. writable
titles.serviceSelection string Title of service selection page writable
titles.serviceSelectionSubTitle string Subtitle of service selection page. Not available with Widget V3 writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.staffSelection string Title of staff selection page writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.staffSelectionSubTitle string Subtitle of staff selection page. Not available with Widget V3 writable
titles.resourceSelection string Title of resource selection page writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.resourceSelectionSubTitle string Subtitle of resource selection page writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.resourceOptions string Title of resource options page. Not available with Widget V3 writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.resourceIteration string Title of resource iteration page. Not available with Widget V3 writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.resourceIterationSubTitle string Sub title of resource iteration page writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.resourceCount string Title of resource count page writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.dateSelection string Title of date selection page writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.dateSelectionSubTitle string Subtitle of date selection page. Not available with Widget V3 writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.topMessage string Top message. Not available with Widget V3 writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.formTitle string Title of the form pages writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.formSubTitle string Sub title of the form pages. Not available with Widget V3 writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.resourceGroupSelection string Title of the resource groups page writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.resourceGroupSelectionSubTitle string Sub title of the resource groups page writable. Max length 16MB.
titles.appointmentForSomeoneElseTitle string Title of make an appointment for someone else form writable. Max length 16MB.
calendarSync object Calendar Syncronization. writable
calendarSync.googleCalendar object Settings for Google Calendar. writable
calendarSync.googleCalendar.enabled boolean Enable or disable Google calendar synchronization. writable
calendarSync.liveCalendar object Settings for Windows Live Calendar. writable
calendarSync.liveCalendar.office365CalendarEnabled boolean Enable or disable Office 365 calendar synchronization. writable
calendarSync.liveCalendar.outlookCalendarEnabled boolean Enable or disable Outlook calendar synchronization. writable
calendarSync.bidirectionalSync object Settings for Google Calendar. writable
calendarSync.bidirectionalSync.enabled boolean Enable or disable didirectional synchronization. writable
crmSync object Mailing List & CRM Syncronization. writable
calendarSync.clientListEnabled boolean Use CRM client lists to select appointment client. writable
crmSync.salesforce object Settings for Salesforce. writable
crmSync.salesforce.syncPendingAppointments boolean Synchronize pending appointment. writable
crmSync.salesforce.syncDeclinedAppointments boolean >Synchronize declined appointments. writable
crmSync.salesforce.linkStaffToUser boolean Link appointment staff to Salesforce user. writable
crmSync.salesforce.useUserAppointments boolean Use Salesforce users appointments. writable
crmSync.salesforce.bidirectionalSync boolean Bidirectional synchronization. writable
crmSync.salesforce.enabled boolean Enable or disable salesforce synchronization. writable
crmSync.salesforce.clientObject string Type of object for synchronize the data of client. Values: "contacts" or "leads". writable
crmSync.salesforce.refreshToken boolean OAuth2 refresh token. writable. Not readable
widgetErrorMessages object Error message displayed in the widget. writable
widgetErrorMessages.notExistsClientMessage string Message when the client must already exists in the Contacts list. writable. Max length 16MB.
widgetErrorMessages.appointmentDateNotAvailableMessage string Message when the selected time is no longer available. writable. Max length 16MB.
widgetErrorMessages.schedulingDisabledMessage string Message when the online scheduling is disabled. writable. Max length 16MB.
widgetErrorMessages.maxDailyAppointmentsPerClient string Message when the daily appointments limit per client is reached. writable. Max length 16MB.
widgetErrorMessages.maxWeeklyAppointmentsPerClient string Message when the weekly appointments limit per client is reached. writable. Max length 16MB.
widgetErrorMessages.maxOneService string Message when a client try to book and appointment when he already has an upcoming one in status accepted or in progress for a service with the flag "bookingMaxOne" set to True. writable. Max length 16MB.
widgetAuthentication object Error message displayed in the widget. writable
widgetAuthentication.authMandatory boolean Set if authentication is mandaroty. writable
widgetAuthentication.authMandatory.franceConnect object France Connect settings. writable
widgetAuthentication.authMandatory.franceConnect.enabled boolean Enable or disable France Connect authentication. writable
widgetAuthentication.authMandatory.franceConnect.clientId boolean France Connect Client Id. writable only
widgetAuthentication.authMandatory.franceConnect.clientSecret boolean France Connect Client Secret. writable only
widgetAuthentication.authMandatory.facebook object Facebook settings. writable
widgetAuthentication.authMandatory.facebook.enabled boolean Enable or disable Facebook authentication. writable
widgetAuthentication.authMandatory.google object Google settings. writable
widgetAuthentication.authMandatory.google.enabled boolean Enable or disable Google authentication. writable
widgetAuthentication.authMandatory.myAgendize object MyAgendize settings. writable
widgetAuthentication.authMandatory.myAgendize.enabled boolean Enable or disable MyAgendize authentication. writable
termsConditions object Reminders settings. writable
termsConditions.mode string Mode of terms & conditions. "none", "url", "text". writable.
termsConditions.url string If mode = url, URL of terms and condition. "none", "url", "text". writable.
termsConditions.text string If mode = text, HTML text of terms and condition. writable. Max length 16MB.
onlinePayment object Reminders settings. writable
onlinePayment.mode string Mode of online payments. "none", "optional", "mandatory". writable.
onlinePayment.currency string Currency of the company for online payments. Values: "USD", "CAD", "EUR", "GBP", "DKK", "JPY", "INR", "CNY", "MXN", "CHF", "NZD". writable
onlinePayment.delayBeforeCancellation integer Deadline before cancelling appointments waiting for payment, in minutes: Values:
30 (30 minutes)
60 (60 minutes)
120 (2 hours)
360 (6 hours)
1440 (1 day)
2880 (2 days)
10080 (7 days)
onlinePayment.paypal object Settings for Paypal. writable
onlinePayment.paypal.emailAddress string Email address of the paypal account. writable
onlinePayment.ingenico object Settings for Ingenico. writable
onlinePayment.ingenico.pspid string PSPID. writable. Writable only if the "Algorithm" field is putted in the same time.
onlinePayment.ingenico.algorithm string Algorithm. Values: "SHA1", "SHA-256", "SHA-512". Writable. Writable only if the "PSPID" field is putted in the same time.
onlinePayment.ingenico.shaInKey string ShaIn Key. Not readable. writable
onlinePayment.globalPayments object Settings for Ingenico. writable
onlinePayment.globalPayments.merchantId string Merchant Id. writable
onlinePayment.globalPayments.sharedSecret string Shared Secret. Not readable. writable
onlinePayment.monetary object Settings for Ingenico. writable
onlinePayment.monetary.publicKey string Public Key. writable
onlinePayment.monetary.privateKey string Private Key. Not readable. writable


Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request

GET https://api.agendize.com/api/2.1/scheduling/companies/{companyId}/settings


Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
companyId string Company identifier.
Optional query parameters
group string Settings group identifier.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

{ items: [Settings resource] }


Authentication is required to execute this request. Please refer to Authentication for more.


HTTP Request

PUT https://api.agendize.com/api/2.1/scheduling/companies/{companyId}/settings


Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
companyId string Company identifier.

Request body

In the request body, supply a list of Setting resource.


If successful, this method returns all company's Setting resources in the response body.