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Email Marketing API Reference

The Email Marketing API empowers you to create and manage email campaigns and send them to multiple clients. Build your client lists with the Clients/CRM API before executing actions with the Marketing Emails API.

Email Templates

Method HTTP Request Description
URIs relative to https://api.agendize.com/api/2.0, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE /messages/emails/templates/{templateId} Deletes an entry on the email template list.
get GET /messages/emails/templates/{templateId} Returns an entry of the email template list.
list GET /messages/emails/templates Returns entries on the email template list.
insert POST /messages/emails/templates/ Adds an entry to the email template list.
update PUT /messages/emails/templates/{templateId} Updates an entry on the email template list.


Method HTTP Request Description
URIs relative to https://api.agendize.com/api/2.0, unless otherwise noted
send POST messages/emails/send Send E-Mailing.