Agendize forms API

Forms API Reference

The Forms API empowers you to manage your forms and retrieve results.

On January 2021 we released the version 2.3 of the FormBuilder API. This new version includes performance improvements and a better respect of HTTP protocol for RestFull APIs. All v2.0 URIs of the FormBuilder API are available in v2.3. If you are currently using the v2.0 of the FormBuilder API, we encourage you to update to the newer version. If needed, the previous version's documentation is still available here.


Method HTTP Request Description
URIs relative to, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE /forms/{formId} Deletes an entry on the form list.
get GET /forms/{formId} Returns an entry of the form list.
list GET /forms Returns entries on the form list.
insert POST /forms Adds an entry to the form list.
update PUT /forms/{formId} Updates an entry on the form list.


Method HTTP Request Description
URIs relative to, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE /results/{resultId} Deletes an entry on the form's result list.
get GET /results/{resultId} Returns an entry of the form's result list.
list GET /results Returns entries on the form's result list.
insert POST /results Adds an entry to the form's result list.
update PUT /results/{resultId} Updates an entry on the form's result list.

Result Status

Method HTTP Request Description
URIs relative to, unless otherwise noted
list GET /status Returns entries on the list of status of the form result.
insert POST /status Adds an entry to the status list of the form result.